Friday, May 16, 2014

SIDS-Known as Sudden Infant Death Syndrom

SIDS-Known as Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
Studies say that the rate of infant deaths are drastically down, but still around 4,000 sleep related deaths are still occurring each year. Research goes toward the study of possible medical conditions infants may have. The research for SIDS have come to a stand still because of the information needed to study the tissues of infants who have passed from SIDS. Without the studies there is no cure, the SIDS Institute are asking for donations so that more studies can be done to better understand the onset of SIDS. Many organizations are looking for hope and a cure to rid infants of this mystery, because without the proper funding and research we will not be able to know what really causes SIDS.
OC Trail Tales Foundation & Road Runner Sports as we get movin' to raise funds for SIDS Research!
Date: Thursday, June 19
Event Check-In: 5:30pm
By Kimberly Claus
American SIDS Institute 

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The Healing Process

The Healing Process

Some have gone the long rout of a full mastectomy, where others have done only a lumpectomy. Either way, both have their long routes to recovery. Any sort of surgery warrants pain from incisions, to tissue healing from stitches to the full removal of the breast. The body goes through different sensations in the healing process, that many are not sure of what they feel physically because of the unknowns after surgery. There is allot of confusion of what is a normal pain and what is something to be worried about post surgery.
Even through the pain and the uncertainty, there is much gratitude towards the surgeons and people who are part of the healing process afterwards. Many are happy to be here to take one day at a time and know that they are survivors of an illness that has not taken their all, they still have tons of life to live and for that they know each day is a gift. Without the large group of supporters and survivors out there that have traveled down the same road to recovery, many would be alone not knowing what to expect without other courageous stories being told. It’s the human spirit that gets us through hard times and its those who support us through those hard times that get us to the healing process.
By Kimberly Claus
Healing Post-Surgery-3 months later, November 16,2011 

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

An Ounce of Prevention...Mammograms

They say every woman should start receiving Mammograms at the age of 40, but are they wrong when it comes to this information? There’s two sides to the story, first off early detection does save and has saved many lives. Along with a team of researchers led by Dr. Blake Cady of Massachusetts General Hospital researched women from 1990 to 1999 and tracked their cases until 2007, findings were 609 confirmed cancer deaths, and 71 percent never had a mammogram prior to their diagnosis. Half of the deaths were in women younger than 50 years of age.
Now, only recently in 2009 the United States Preventive Services Task Force, has released recommendation of women getting mammograms starting at the age of 50, and to get them every other year until age 74. The USPSTF states that too many young women are getting unnecessary testing and treatments. So what do we decide is the right information to go by, one has to decide for themselves, early detection if the best for prevention of breast cancer in any case.
One of our Co-Founders Corrinne Wallace, here at OC Trails Tales Foundation had recently battled her own courageous outcome to breast cancer. Her personal story is listed here on our blog. She endured a long recovery and now is cancer free!

Mammograms Before 50 Could Save Lives, Researchers Say By ABC News | ABC News Blogs – Mon, Sep 9, 2013 8:32 PM EDT

Latest Evidence Against Mammograms Adds To Women's Uncertainty by NANCY SHUTE

February 12, 2014

By Kimberly Claus